Lime peel is often cold pressed from the rind of the fruit of the lime tree to produce an essential oil that is gold to yellowish green in color. It is an essential oil with furanocoumarins, which can cause photo toxic reactions from the sun if used in products for the skin. Green Valley’s Lime essential oil is a steam distilled version of this oil, making it safer for use in products that will be used on the skin. Some of the regions/countries that produce Lime essential oil are Florida, Central America, Italy and the Caribbean Islands.
Lime essential oil is very refreshing to use, especially in hot climates. It is a popular addition to many aftershave lotions for men, and due to its astringent qualities is useful for oily skin. As with other citrus essential oils, lime essential oil is great as a diuretic, drainer and lymphatic stimulant, making it useful when treating obesity, water retention and cellulite. It carries with it some antidepressant capabilities, so it’s great for use with S.A.D. (along with other “happy” oils). Again, because this is a citrus essential oil, it can be irritating to the skin, so never apply without first mixing with a carrier oil and be aware of this on sensitive skin. Lime essential oil may also act as a febrifuge and therefore be cooling when fever is present.
This oil blends well with Clary sage essential oil, Citronella essential oil, Lavender essential oil, Neroli essential oil and Rosemary essential oil.